Forest Preschool & Wild Wednesdays

August 2024 - May 2025

Ages: 3 – 5 (Preschool)
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9AM-11:45AM

Ages: 4 - 8 (Wild Wednesdays)
Wednesdays: 9AM-2:00PM

Forest Preschool and Wild Wednesdays are nature immersive programs that focus on the holistic development of the child. Keiki are given the space and time to explore, play, take risks, be creative and grow socially and emotionally using all their senses in the best classroom of all - the outdoors. There are no set lesson plans: each day and week is shaped by the animals, insects, birds, amphibians, weather and exploring that is encountered, providing spontaneous teachable moments. The “curriculum” emerges as keiki interests inspire follow-up activities. Daily rituals like circle time and mindfulness moments, as well as intentional transitions between activities, help provide the structure and predictability our young keiki need to feel calm and safe. Class size is kept at 8 keiki to maintain a 2:1 child-adult ratio. To learn more about the different types of experiences kids have at forest school (and all their amazing benefits!) visit our “What is Forest School” page.

Physical Requirements

Keiki must be able to follow directions carefully, demonstrate respect for other children, their teachers, and their environment, and able to communicate effectively. Keiki should also be toilet proficient. The target age range for the preschool program is 3 - 5 years old and 4 - 8 years old for the Wild Wednesday program.


Forest school embraces all seasons and aims to remain outside during many types of weather. There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing choices! Depending on the day children may need to bring a rain coat and rain boots. Rain pants that keiki can put over their pants or shorts will be provided.


Tues/Thursday (9AM-11:45AM): $200 / month
Weds (9AM-2:00PM): $168 / month

Part-time (Tues or Thurs or half-day Weds) (9AM-11:45AM): $100 / month

Family Field Trip Fridays

We will plan to take field trips at least once a quarter and explore an outdoor site along the Hamakua coast such as a farm, a river or a park. Grown-ups join their keiki and have the opportunity to get to know other forest school parents / caregivers. Depending on the site a small fee may be required. Locations and dates TBD.

Daily Flow - Half-day example

  • 9:00 - 9:10 AM Drop off at gate

  • 9:10-9:40 AM Free play in orchard followed by Morning Circle / Kilo (observation)

  • 9:40 AM Hike to hale / Hang backpack & wash hands

  • 9:50 AM Snack & conversation

  • 10:00 AM Free play & possible adult-guided activity (depending on interest)

  • 11:00 AM Second Circle (yoga or music & movement )

  • 11:30 AM Tidy up

  • 11:45-11:55 PM Gather belongings / good-bye songs / walk to gate for pick-up

Enrollment Status (updated 7/13/2024)

Forest Preschool: We are currently full for the 2024-2025 school year. That being said, many times families do change plans throughout the school year and spots do open up! If you have looked over the website and are interested in the program, please fill out an application. Once we receive it we will contact you to arrange a tour and put you on a waitlist :).
* The Wild Wednesday full-day program in Honoka`a at
Hāmākua Harvest currently has openings! If you are interested, please indicate your interest in that site in the application and we will be in touch!

Friends in the Forest: Do you have a younger little one? Check out the parent & child Friends in the Forest drop-in / donation-based program at Kalopa State Park. We currently meet most Monday mornings :).